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Very Important in Shipping our Egyptian Bottarga.
Most Companies ship Bottarga in small packages without cold packs to save money and avoid charging for shipping.
Bottarga is a temperature-sensitive item it can decay or deteriorate over time, especially when exposed to varying environmental conditions with unstable temperatures.
We at Egyptian Bottarga we ship Bottarga with safety and efficiency. Using cold pack and specialized Zipped Sealed Bag provides the temperatures and security you need in order to meet cold shipping regulations and keep products in top condition.
We at Egyptian Bottarga, Ship with Cold Packs Inside Ziplock Bag Transparent Thickened Zipper Sealed Bag. With Priority Mail Padded Envelope. By USPS Priority Mail with Tracking and Delivery 1-3 business days. For Big Orders We ship in Priority Mail USPS Medium Box with Insulated Foam Box with Cold Packs Inside Ziplock Bag Transparent Thickened Zipper Sealed Bag.
بطارخ حميد البلدي مع الاعلامي محمود سعد و صاحبة السعادة إسعاد يونس و الشيف علاء الشربيني
البطارخ البلدي. بطارخ حميد أعظم بطارخ في العالم
مقارنة بين البطارخ البلدي والبطارخ المزارع من هوليوود مع الممثل العالمي مصري الأصل سيد بدرية
Egyptian born filmmaker and actor, Sayed Badreya introducing Egyptian Bottarga and How to Eat it.
Cheyenne Eats: In this video I try a caviar from Egypt from famous filmmaker & actor Sayed Badreya.
إسعاد يونس برنامج صاحبة السعادة هتقدم حلقة على أشهر الأكلات بطارخ حميد البلدي بصحبة نجم منتخب مصر السابق محمد زيدان
Bottarga Egyptian Caviar
Bottarga Egyptian Caviar, the true hidden gem of the Mediterranean.
Bottarga is amber-gold colored caviar made from the roe striped mullet fish which has been salt-cured and sun-dried.
Bottarga Egyptian Caviar is an ancient delicacy, made by the finest Bottarga producers in the world. The Egyptians were the first culture to cure mullet roe bottarga on the coast of the Mediterranean. Origins have been documented back to 5,000 years ago and have been seen in painting on the walls of their tombs.
Why Bottarga Egyptian Caviar?
Bottarga Egyptian Caviar, comes from a thin lip grey mullet in Bardawil Lake. Lake Bardawil is a large secluded lagoon near the area of Zaranik, Egypt, off the Northern coast Mediterranean Coast of Sinai of the Sinai Peninsula.
Lake Bardawil is one of the most economic of water masses due to high-quality fish production. Mainly due to its non-polluted habitat. With a weekly delivery straight from Egypt, our Bottarga is guaranteed 100% fresh.
Bottarga Egyptian Caviar, the hidden gem of the Mediterranean. Egyptian Bottarga is an ancient exotic delicacy made from the roe of wild Mullet fish.
Martha Stewart on Bottarga Egyptian Caviar, The hidden gem of the Mediterranean. Egyptian Bottarga, the Finest Golden Bottarga in the World

طريقة عمل مكرونة بالبطاريخ البلدي، البطاريح بالزبدة و الخبز - How to make Bottarga
Egyptian Bottarga with Eggs
Egyptian Bottarga Sandwiches - Bottarga with Bagel & Cream cheese - Bottarga french bread Sandwich
ما هي البطارخ البلدي، شرح بالفيديو ما هي و ما فوائد البطارخ
طريقه عمل البطارخ البلدي للسمك البورى - How to Get Bottarga